We are the Marshall family (Barry, Michelle, Stevii, Davis and Jaron) presently living in Manila, Philippines. We hope you enjoy this window into our lives.
Stevii and her friend, Megan, posing for a picture to be published with their article on Philippine Candy in the American Women's Club monthly Inklings magazine.
Betsy and Lucy at the High Tea... Ida at high tea... Cindy at High tea... Lucy at high tea... Below you'll see Pat in peach, B with the black feathers and the string trio that entertained us...
The British Women's High Tea! A charity event to rais funds for a children's foundation. We all broke out the hats for this...This is Celia and I.
Christmas is here already! It is officially a "ber" month - SeptemBER. Don't you wish your tree was decorated like this?
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Queen of the bunkbed!
The other side of Davis' room - Garfield curtains...did you know Davis has a "Garfield" look? It's that mostly closed eyelid look with a (large) hint of irritation...
Davis' room got a new "do" for his birthday. Crookshanks seems to think the top bunk is hers now...just because there are pictures of garfield everywhere...
Monday, September 04, 2006
The funniest walk signal ever! Sorry it's sideways, but I haven't quite figured out that I have to take videos with the camera the right way yet. Watch the guy run when it hits 5 seconds! This is hilarious! And I was standing in the middle of the road taking the picture...
A picture of the sunset (and clouds - my favorite) over ISM on Middle School Open House night. It was so pretty, I couldn't resist.
Stevii's first volleyball game of the season. They lost this game, but won their 2nd game last Saturday. Go Stevii!
A rousing game of poker at Davis' 11th birthday party. Tom, Renz, Lenny, Kush, & Ian were all there...
Can you find the kitty? This is just a fun shot of Crookshanks sleeping on Stevii's bed.
Stevii after an orthodontist visit. We called her puffy for a while and she really liked that!
See Barry grill corn! Grill corn, Barry, grill corn! (actually this was in July, but I just downloaded my camera, so you get the delayed effect) The corn was absolutely magnificent!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Davis is 11!
Hard to believe, but yes Davis is now 11! Man time flies. Here is the main gift for Davis' birthday. We can mostly blame his Uncle Brad and Cousin Julian for getting him interested in poker. He was very excited about the table and the poker set. Check the other party pictures below too.
Here is the birthday table setup.
Davis and his friend Tom putting together the new car track.
Playing video games...
Here is the soccer birthday cake. Unfortunately, the cake suffered a slight mishap. The ball and the back side of the cake got a bit messed up. Oh well. It still tasted the same.
Davis blowing out the candles. No he did not get it done with one breath.