Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Morning light at another temple. Just for your information - most of these temples have names. However, mostly because of my own lack of interest in details (when it's convenient) I don't know the name of most of these. And, please note that some of the following pictures were taken from the top of these stairs. Yes, we all climbed the very steep stairs you see here. What amazing fitness levels we must have! (Wow! I'm truly in a rare blogging mood or just plain loopy cause I can only blog 2 pictures or less at a time and I'm really tired of sitting in front of this computer, but I really want to get it over with and, at the same time, really want you all to see these pictures. Such a range of conflicting emotions! And all of this while listening to quite the compilation of Amy Grant CDs on my computer - it's helping me get through this.)

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