Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Not that you haven't seen enough pictures of temples, but this was a particularly interesting one. Really, I won't know how many of these you skip over and, believe you me, I saw a LOT more temples than I have chosen to publish in this blog. I actually spared you a bit of temple overdose!

I wish I had more pictures to show how many people, particularly in the countryside, rode bicyles. It truly was a unique sight. As many motorcycles as there are in the cities, there are equal amounts of bicycles in outlying areas. As we drove from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, masses of school children in white blouses/shirts and navy skirts or pants rode their bicycles to and from school. Many were 2 or 3 persons to a bicycle. It was almost like watching flocks of geese fly over in formation. Except it was school children on bicycles. And they were on the ground. And they were wearing clothes. Just the level of high academia you are now experiencing in the blog boggles my mind! Help me!
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